Thursday, November 10, 2011

Christmas in... November?

Christmas is by far my favorite holiday of the year. I always start celebrating by November 1st... I have been known to start earlier :/ I hate dressing in costume so Halloween is just not fun to me. And I’m not a fan of turkey so Thanksgiving doesn’t really excite me either. But there is something magical about Christmas. I’m not speaking in a religious sense (although I know that is the true reason it even exist). I love the glitziness of Christmas. Believe it or not, I absolutely love working retail during the Holidays. My face glows and I genuinely smile when I see Christmas decorations. I don’t really know when my fascination with the Holiday started... but I’ve always loved presents and bows. I actually enjoy wrapping presents and making bows. 

Not only do I love Christmas for presents and decorations and parties, but I love giving to others. It’s the one time of year that everyone actually stops to think about their fellow human beings. And you can feel that feeling. I’ve always been the girl to buy for myself and buy for others, especially my family. But I never pass up a chance to give to the needy either. Those red buckets get me every year :) I can’t walk by without giving something-- even if that means taking a trip to the ATM before I get out of my car in the parking lot. 

I do a lot of humorous and silly things. Or at least that’s what others think. I think that my life is a lot more serious than it actually is. 3 years ago Belle & I lived together in Knoxville. It was around the 1st of Christmas and exams were going on so we had a lot of free time. We had hair appointments one afternoon. I was done way before Belle so I went to the mall and then came back to pick her up. For the first time in my life, I had ignored an “Angel Tree.” I tried to justify my actions by using the phrase-- “well I’m a poor college student” -- even though I had just spent $200+ on my hair. I had never felt so guilty. And when Belle found me in the parking lot, I was crying my eyes out to Christmas music. She thought something was majorly wrong-- a death in the family, perhaps. I could barely get out the words because I was crying so much... but eventually I told her “I passed by the Angel Tree and didn’t pick an Angel.” Long story short- I went back and got an Angel. And I know I made some child’s Christmas a little better.

I’m not trying to show that I’m a saint or even a good person all the time. But Christmas does something to all of us. It brings out that inner sensitive soul that most don’t even know they have. Christmas is that one day when we are all children and we see the world a little brighter. It gives us hope that maybe all days will be filled with such laughter, love, and cheer. 

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